NEWS お知らせ


「七つ橋渡り」のご案内 – Nanatsubashi Watari





“Nanatsubashi Watari (Seven Bridges Crossing)” is a custom that has been passed down in the Asano River area since ancient times.

We depart from Tokiwabashi-Bridge at midnight on the vernal or autumnal equinox day, which is the middle day of the equinox.

Cross the seven bridges silently while praying.

Why not take a walk around Kanazawa at night while wishing for good health?


集合日時 / Meeting Date: 2024.9.21(Sat) 23:50

集合場所: 常盤橋 / Meeting Place: Tokiwa Bashi Bridge

出発時間 / Departure Time: 2024.9.22 (Sun) 0:00 AM ※雨天決行 / Rain and Sun

参加費: 無料 / Participation is Free

運営:馬場・材木町連 / Organizer: Baba-Zaimoku Neighborhood Association






*No advance application is required. You can also leave while walking.

*There are no particular rules regarding clothing. Please bring comfortable clothes and sneakers.

*If you are coming to the meeting place by car, please use coin parking (at your own expense) near Hashiba-cho, Umenohashi, and Tenjinbashi.

*The event will be held even in rainy weather, but will be canceled if it rains or the wind is strong. The journey takes approximately 1 hour.