GUIDE 利用案内

ご利用について How to make a reservation?
ご利用いただくスタイルをとっております。 1日はもちろん、短期滞在、長期滞在などのご利用も承っております。 イベント開催の会場としてもご利用可能です。 宿泊以外のご利用についてはお気軽にお問い合わせください。Machiya-Kanazawa KIKUNO-YA has a style for 2 to 5 persons to rent a whole house.
Of course you can stay longer. We can accommodate short or long term stays as well as one day. We can also be used as a venue for events. Please feel free to contact us for other uses.ご利用ガイド User guide
You can use the machiya from 15:00 p.m.
You leave the machiya by 11:00 a.m.
- ペットの同伴はご遠慮いただいております。
- 全館禁煙:菊乃やは木造家屋であり、重要伝統的建造物群保存地区である主計町茶屋街にございますので、喫煙は固くお断りしております。
- We are very sorry, but no pets allowed.
- Kikunoya is a wooden house in Kazuemachi Chaya District, which is an important preservation district for groups of traditional buildings. Therefore, smoking is strictly prohibited. (Non-smoking throughout the building)
ご利用の流れ Procedure from Arrival to Departure
当日(到着前) The arrival day
At your arrival time, our staff will wait for you at the machiya.
チェックイン Check-in
You read and confirm the Terms and Conditions and receive the key. Our staff will provide a brief explanation of the house and its facilities and brief tour of the neighbors.
ご滞在 During your stay
During your stay, please enjoy sightseeing and some hands-on experience programs. If you need some information or help, feel free to ask our staff.
チェックアウト Check-out
At your departure, our staff will receive the key.After the departure, if you need some help, please feel free to ask our staffs.
定員・料金 Capacity / Charge
2 to 5 aduls
・2名様 計 42,000円(お一人様当たり21,000円)(税込)
・3名様 計 57,900円(お一人様当たり19,300円)(税込)
・4名様 計 68,000円(お一人様当たり17,000円)(税込)
・5名様 計 78,000円(お一人様当たり15,600円)(税込)お子様(6歳以下の方)
Basic fee:Rate per house per night
・2 guests JPY42,000 (including tax-accommodation tax)
・3 guests JPY57,900 (including tax-accommodation tax)
・4 guests JPY68,000 (including tax-accommodation tax)
・5 guests JPY78,000 (including tax-accommodation tax)
6 years and under
・Only bed-sharing : free
・Additional towels and amenities JYP5,500 per person (tax included)
・Ages 7 and older are included in the above number of users.
Breakfast (Optional extra)
・ ひらみぱんのモーニングセット 1食/2,500円(税込)
・ 簡単朝食セット 1食/2,000円(税込)
・ Hiramipan Set Meal JPY2,500/ 1 meal (tax included)
Kanazawa/Nagamachi “Bistro Hiramipan” is a popular restaurant for natural yeast bread and casual French. We will deliver a salad of croque monsieur and fresh vegetables. (The contents are subject to change depending on the season etc.)
・ Continental JPY2,000 / 1 meal (tax included)
Toast, yogurt, fruit and juice will be provided.
入門体験プログラム (オプション)
Introductory Experience Program (Optional extra)
2 hours JPY18,000
(including tax)
(excluding materials costs)
Cancellation policy
連絡なく不泊した場合、キャンセル料が発生する可能性があります。If you cancel the reservation
・Cancellation without prior notice : you pay 100 % of the charge.
・The arrival day : you pay 100 % of the charge.
・7 to 1 days before arrival date : you pay 50 % of the charge.
About cancellation charge for optional extras
・[Breakfast] Hiramipan Set Meal
If you cancel your reservation on and after 1 days before arrival, there will be a 100% cancellation charge.・[Breakfast] Continental
If you will be a no-show without contact, you may be charged a cancellation charge.
- こちらの料金は税-宿泊税込みのお値段になります。
- 連泊割引がございます。10%割引とさせていただきます。
- 朝食ご希望の場合は追加代金にて承ります。
- 各種体験プログラムは宿泊料金とは別途にて、料金を申し受けます。
- ご紹介や各種手配等のサービスについては別途、手数料を申し受けるものもございます。
- 詳細はお問い合わせください。
- There is long stay discount (10% discount).
- Breakfast is available upon request for an additional charge.
- If you have experience programs, please pay the charge aside basic charge.
- If you use some introduction or some variety service, please pay commission.
- For more information, please ask us.